Job Description
Education & Certifications Required:
- Maine CNA certification.
Unit Information:
- Number of Beds: 26 (R6), 12 (Bean 2), 9 (IMC).
- Patient Ratios: 1:8, 1:6, 1:3 (IMC).
- EMR: Epic.
Must Have Skills/Experience:
- Acute care/hospital experience.
Preferred Skill set/Experience:
- Neuro/Neurosurg/Med-Surgical.
Type of Patients on Unit:
- Neurosurgical patients (spinal surgery, spine fractures, brain tumors), seizure disorders, VP shunts, head bleeds, traumatic injuries, joint replacement surgery.
Personality Fit:
- Proactive team player with a positive attitude.
- Work-focused.
Dress Code:
- Scrub Color: Any
- Any unacceptable attire: Must maintain professional appearance.
- No ear buds/personal cell phones.
- Will terminate contract related to this.